Trudy the Brisbane Marriage Celebrant

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COVID 19 Weddings in Brisbane update

COVID 19 Weddings in Brisbane update

Wow, what a year! I hope you have all kept safe and well despite the massive disruption and disappointments that was sure to have impacted your wedding planning in 2020.

Speaking with my couples this year it has been incredibly tough, with reschedules, re-planning, or completely changing their wedding plans to go from family and friends to an elopement with a party planned for next year. Most couples were very frustrated but grateful to be living in Queensland.

So as we move into 2021, what are the current restrictions in place for Weddings in Queensland?

As at 1am AEST on 1 December 2020

Due to Queenslanders' great work in keeping up physical distancing, practising good hygiene and sticking to the State’s restrictions, we can now have 100 people gather in public outdoor spaces, and 50 people can gather at a private property, this number includes those who live with you.

If new cases in Queensland are identified, extra restrictions will be put in place for movement and gatherings in restricted Local Government Areas. Currently, there are no Restricted Local Government Areas, so the following does not apply.

If a restricted Local Government Area is announced, restrictions in those areas will mean you:

can have a maximum of 10 people in your home, including the members of your household that live there. The visitors can be from different households

can have a public gathering with a maximum of 10 people including yourself and members of your household can’t have any visitors if you have 10 or more people living in your household.

It is important to read this Direction in conjunction with the Restrictions on Business, Activities and Undertakings Direction.

How many people can gather in outdoor areas, like a park?

Gatherings in outdoor public spaces must be limited to a maximum of 100 people within one group. Individuals are not permitted to organise mass gatherings in a public space.

If more cases are announced in Queensland, restricted Local Government Areas may be introduced with more restrictions than the rest of Queensland.

We ask that Queenslanders use common sense and good judgement, including maintaining plenty of distance between groups. Things to think about when deciding if a park is already too crowded include:

Is there plenty of distance between each group (can you play ball between each group; can you talk easily without overhearing another group)?

Is there an empty space for your group to sit comfortably, that is still a good distance from others?

Is there somewhere less crowded we can go to, that isn’t far from here to be on the safe side?

How many people can I have at a wedding ceremony?

Wedding ceremonies can have a maximum of 200 people regardless of the size of the venue, including public spaces and private residences if a COVID Safe Plan is in place for the event.

If a COVID Safe Plan is not in place, the number of people who can attend the wedding is in line with other gathering restrictions under the Movement and Gathering Direction (currently 100 people for outdoor public spaces and 50 for private properties).

It is important if you are unwell, that you do not go to a wedding.

A record of names and contact details of each guest must be kept for 56 days to assist in contact tracing if required.

For more details please visit:

I hope that helps, please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Wishing you all a very happy and safe New Year in 2021!